Motivational Enhancement Therapy an overview

MET, on the other hand, has been used only for reducing substance use and was designed with this need in mind. It is a structured and goal-directed form of therapy with the overarching aim of enhancing motivation in the client. Unlike other forms of rehabilitation, MET does not set out to make abstinence the goal. It is emphasized as a clear option only after the client shows readiness to change.

What are the stages of motivational therapy?

The four steps of the MI process are engage, focus, evoke, and plan. Let's take a brief look at each step now, and then come back and think about what is involved in each one. All quality interactions start with an initial conversation to break the ice and build rapport.

Those struggling with addiction and substance use disorder find it challenging to stop using substances due to the nature of dependency and the reinforcing actions of their behaviors. The momentum which MET provides instills motivation, inspiration, and enthusiasm for the journey ahead. The main goal of MET is to help you overcome any feelings of resistance or uncertainty to behavior change. The therapy aims to increase awareness of the issues addiction causes in your life.

In the United States, there were 70,237 drug overdose deaths in 2017

Prochaska describes six stages of change and it measures progress over time. The goal is to motivate the patient to move from one stage to the next, only when the patient is ready to move forward [165]. Psychosocial support for the recovering addict is sober house critical in maintaining abstinence and preventing relapse. They also improve retention in prenatal care and substance treatment programs [166]. When Miller took a sabbatical, he was invited to give a lecture on behavioral treatments for alcohol abuse.

  • Instead, the therapist uses strategies to help the client see the negative impact of drug and alcohol use.
  • Research has shown that MI for excessive alcohol consumption was effective in decreasing hazardous alcohol consumption, especially within the first three months of treatment.
  • MET therapists help patients become more aware, so they become motivated to change for themselves, rather than at the behest of someone else.
  • There are 5 critical elements of MET that patients and therapists will work through.
  • Although viable treatment options exist, most individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) do not pursue treatment or do so after a long period of distress and impairment (Grant et al., 2005).

It is a time-limited approach to therapy that takes place over four to six sessions. Motivational enhancement therapy is a counseling approach used in the treatment of substance use disorders. People who struggle with substance use disorders often have little motivation to make changes in their lives, despite knowing the impact their condition can have on themselves and other people around them. Motivational enhancement therapy aims to increase a patient’s motivation to reduce their use of alcohol and drugs. This commitment is the key to a patient making healthier choices, as they are then able to utilize their own internal and external resources for change. Every stage has certain processes used and specific tasks to be accomplished in order to achieve change.

Alcohol dependence

Therapists and healing workers only do so much before the person has to put in the extra work themselves to heal. With family and community support, those with addiction are often able to get the help, tools, and resources they need to move forward and enhance their recovery program with the right mindset focused on healing. Motivational enhancement therapy is a substance abuse treatment that uses motivational interviewing principles to promote change. It is a very brief therapy that is effective with resistant clients that may not be quite ready to loosen the grip of alcoholism on their own.

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