Reminding Yourself That a Sober Life Is a Better Life

When you abuse large amounts of alcohol or drugs, your memory becomes foggy. As you consume more and more alcohol or drugs, you’ll likely stop eating a balanced diet altogether. Before you know it, you’ll choose not to physically take care of yourself at all. The only way to get you out of this rut of not taking care of yourself is sobriety. This forms a never-ending cycle that pushes you further into addiction.

sober life

In time, you will also open the gates to more genuine, meaningful, and long-term connections with the important people in your life. You can try to avoid the conversation, but it’s good to have a response ready in case that’s not possible. If the question comes from someone you know well, you may want to say that drugs or alcohol became a problem for you, so you’re staying away from them. If you don’t know the person well, simply saying you have to get up early the next morning or you quit for health reasons should be enough.

Freestanding SLHs

Additionally, alcohol affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can hinder progress in therapy or relapse prevention strategies. Ultimately, abstaining from alcohol allows recovering alcoholics to heal and grow in a healthy and sustainable way. Living sober means abstaining from all mind-altering substances, including alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs. It is a day-by-day process that requires you to focus on the present rather than getting overwhelmed by the long-term. Getting sober can also help individuals to regulate their emotions more effectively.

I wanted to blend in nicely with a crowd who understood that sometimes you just want to drink your face off, or one that didn’t think anything was weird about a glass of noon wine. The life I had before I quit drinking was a lot like Groundhog Day; I was always waiting for it to begin and always reliving the same stuff, day after day, year after year. I can honestly say sobriety is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

Improved Mental Health

Hangover effects can cause you to miss out on even more of your life because you’re sick or in bed and unable to do the things you love or interact with the people in your life that you care about. Hangover symptoms including nausea, vomiting, headaches and brain fog can last for days in some cases and can diminish your quality of day-to-day life. Aside from being part of a pretty awesome sober society, it’s important to realize how to enjoy life sober. The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success. Remember to care for yourself, seek supportive relationships, and consider seeking help from a therapist.

How to be sober but still go out?

  1. Pick the Right Friends to Go With. There is a fine line between a good friend and a drinking buddy.
  2. Go Somewhere With Delicious Food.
  3. Pick a Non-Alcoholic Drink to Sip On.
  4. Choose a Place That's Entertaining.
  5. Just Drive Yourself.
  6. Don't Lecture Your Friends.

It’s an opportunity to grow into your bones, and every single crap thing that happens to you on the way only makes you stronger. So now I’m sober, sober life and I have zero choice but to be me in all situations. At Ethos, we understand that there are many ways to achieve and maintain sobriety.

The Sober Life: What to Expect in the First 30 Days

You may not exercise because you’d rather drink or you’re spending time nursing hangover symptoms. Your sleep patterns may be altered and you may not think about eating healthy when you’re under the influence. Substance misuse can also affect your immune system and your digestive system.

  • During the time you used to drink or get high, you’re now at loose ends.
  • It was noteworthy that a wide variety of individuals in both programs had positive outcomes.
  • You won’t just feel differently emotionally, you’ll also begin to see a change in your physical appearance and well-being.
  • Alcohol and drugs can often be used as a coping mechanism for dealing with difficult emotions, but in the long run, they can make emotional regulation more difficult.
  • Depending on the type of dependency, PAWS can last from six months to two years after you stop using drugs or alcohol.

Free Spiritual Community Café offers a place of community for addicts in recovery and their loved ones to go and feel at home. Opland added that one of the biggest barriers to people exploring an alcohol-free lifestyle is peer pressure from society itself. When you go sober, you’ll be able to complete daily tasks with improved efficiency. You’ll also have better decision-making skills for problem-solving and time management. Sober individuals remain the anomaly in most social situations and your friends will want to know why you’re choosing to abstain.

Feeling guilty or ashamed of past behavior or actions during active addiction is natural and healthy. A mental health professional can help you cope with some of the challenges you’ll face on your path to sobriety. Instead, when you’re sober, you may go camping, hiking, build your first computer, read a book, actually enjoy yourself antiquing, and so on. Your choice of “fun” isn’t limited to where they’re serving alcohol anymore. When you’re sober however, you don’t waste your time thinking of when you’ll drink again, nor do you go out of your way to drink again.

What this means is, you act on impulse and don’t process emotions quickly. So if you’re drunk and communicating with someone in distress, if the dopamine is telling you everything is peachy, then you assume that’s the case for everyone. This usually results in your friend seeing you as someoneo whose insensitive. Late night benders can result in early morning stops at Jack-in-the-Box or microwave pizzas. Without alcohol in your system however, you have the time, energy and learning capacity to try new recipes.

That’s not the same as boring, but the routine of work, of bills, of family obligations, of doing it all over again every day can seem quite tedious. For recovering addicts and alcoholics, that tedium can be dangerous, especially when the substances don’t matter as much as the craving for more — more excitement, more emotion, more adventure, more danger. ” isn’t limited to those who haven’t received treatment for an alcohol and drug problem. Euphoric recall is a dangerous thought process that can jeopardize the recovery of those who have completed treatment and consider themselves sober.

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